DomainTools Launches

December 6, 2011
DomainTools has rebuilt the thumbnail engine that for years has provided a visual context to the powerful domain name detail information available at By launching on the premium domain name, DomainTools is able to feature this important content in a more functional way for users that are specifically interested in home page archives. was created with key features in mind to help users better research competitive websites, easily scroll through a website’s image history, and discover details about the website. Visitors can quickly uncover the year the domain was first registered, find similar type websites and learn how a website looked over time. The site includes the ability for users to request an updated screenshot at any time. The Featured Screenshot section on the home page scans news feeds for domain name references and showcases them on a rotating basis.
The DomainTools thumbnail image capture system, the back-end service for, was originally developed in 2004. The current version now checks up to 1,000,000 websites a day and, unlike other screenshot services, captures critical external resources like ads and images. With, what you see is exactly what a visitor would have seen when they visited the site. Domain investors, trademark attorneys and brand agents alike have relied upon DomainTools’ screenshot history tool to make more informed business decisions and to investigate and defend potential trademark-infringing domain names.
For nearly 10 years, DomainTools has provided users with the most comprehensive data about domain names, and the launch of helps extend that mission. Together with,,, and, individuals, small business owners, and many large enterprises use DomainTools’ breadth of tools to do everything from finding a good domain for a new business to verifying DNS and WHOIS information on corporate portfolios of thousands of domains.