Celebrating 25 years of .DE domains

November 9, 2011
With more than 14.6 million registrations .DE currently has the most registrations in comparison with other country-specific top-level domains, followed by Great Britain (.UK) with around 9.7 million registered domains and the Netherlands (.NL) with 4.7 million registered domains. 25 years after the introduction of .DE, an average of 178 domains account for 1.000 German citizens. Thus, from a mathematical point of view every sixth German has his own website under .DE. Furthermore, nearly 80 percent of all .DE domain holders are private persons.
About 100,000 times per second a .DE internet address is accessed worldwide. More than 14.6 million .DE Internet addresses are currently registered and about 3,000 new ones are added every day. dd24 celebrates the anniversary and the success story of the .DE extension with a special anniversary price for. DE domains. The special price of 5.25 EUR incl. VAT is only valid for the first year of registration, with the second and subsequent years the regular price applies according to the current dd24 price list. The jubilee offer is effective from November 3 until November 27, 2011 and applies to new 1-year registrations but not to domain renewals or transfers.